Master thesis don't have to be thick reports full of figures, lists and endless paragraphs reporting findings, methods and processes. They can also be fun, colorful and simple and still make important contributions to whatever field their authors work in. This is the case of Katherine Wahlen academic work and industrial design engineer, the creator of the board game IN THE LOOP, a board game that aims at conveying to a wider public, the need for a change.
Employing game-based learning techniques, IN THE LOOP illustrates the interconnectedness of today's economical, environmental, political, and social challenges by combing these different approaches to resources into one broader, 'macroscopic' perspective. In less than 90 minutes, IN THE LOOP provides a fun and engaging look at these complex topics by making them tangible for people and groups of all ages. Katherine has been invited to many universities around Europe to present her work and as a result, professors and students are already using the game to understand why we need a circular economy. After two years of development and field-testing IN THE LOOP is now ready for large scale distribution so a Kickstarter campaing was launched at the beginning of july and will run until August 8th. IN THE LOOP GAMES is aiming to crowdfund 10,000 USD which will make it possible for everyone to play IN THE LOOP. It’s now up to the backers to help bring IN THE LOOP to your office, classroom, or kitchen table. The first backers who contribute just 60 USD will be rewarded with their very own copy of IN THE LOOP. We already made our pledge, hope many more will do the same! Cheers,
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Agosto 2019