The first step to bring a consumption perspective into your efforts to move towards a circular approach is to understand the contextual factors that will influence such transitions. You start from a need, a job-to-be-done or an existing product or service. Here, research is the key task to perform.
Linear vs. Circular consumer journeyWhat activities do customers/audience perform today to fulfill their need/job-to-be-done or to use the existing solution?
Moments of consumptionWhat happens during each moment of consumption and why?
Acceptance factorsWhy do people use the solution? What would influence the acceptance of any solution to fulfill the need/job-to-be-done?
Practice contextWhat practice contains the need/job-to-be-done or existing solution? What elements constitute this practice? Why people take part in it?
All these considerations provide the context in which a circular solution needs to be developed if a consumer's perspective is to be integrated.